Full Company Name: PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Country: Indonesia
Phone: +62 313981732
Fax: +62 313983209
Office Address:
Gedung Utama SG - Jl. Veteran,
Gresik 61122
East Java, Indonesia

Established Year: 1957
Main Product Category: HOME & CONSTRUCTION Building Materials
Products: Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC), Portland Composite Cement (PCC), Oil Well Cement (OWC), Super Masonry Cement (SMC); Clinker.
Number of Employees: 6336
Key Executives: Suparni - President Director
Major Shareholders: Republic Indonesia through Ministry of Finance - 51,01% (Indonesian)
Certificates achieved: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007, SMK3, ISO/IEC 17025:2008
Export Markets: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Malaysia, East Timor, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Peru
Stocks Listed: Stocks of SEMEN INDONESIA are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) under ticker SMGR.
Wikipedia: SEMEN INDONESIA's page on Wikipedia
Bloomberg: SEMEN INDONESIA's profile on Bloomberg
Additional Information:

PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk manufactures cement including portland cement, oil well cement, and mixed cement. Through its subsidiaries, the Company also develops and operates an industrial estate, mines limestone and clay, and packages and distributes cement.
Cement-producing subsidiaries of the Company: Semen Padang, Semen Gresik, Semen Tonasa, Thang Long Cement Vietnam. Subsidiaries not involveded in manufacturing of cement include: PT United Tractors Semen Gresik, PT Industri Kemasan Semen Gresik, PT Kawasan Industri Gresik, PT Swadaya Graha, PT Varia Usaha, PT Eternit Gresik, PT. SGG Energi Prima, PT. SGG Prima Beton, PT. Krakatau Semen Indonesia, PT. Sinergi Informatika Semen Indonesia (SISI).

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