Full Company Name: Sarawak Cable Berhad
Country: Malaysia
Phone: +60 82434311
Fax: +60 82435311
Office Address:
Lot 767, Block 8, Muara Tebas Land District,
Demak Laut Industrial Estate Phase III,
Jalan Bako, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak,

Established Year: 1998
Main Product Category: ELECTRONICS & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Wires and Cables
Products: Power Cables and Wires, Steel Structures, Poles, Towers and Galvanized Products, Hybrid Power Inverters
Key Executives: Mr. Toh Chee Ching - Group Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
Major Shareholders: Dato Sri Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib - 18,24%
Sarawak Energy Berhad - 16,53%
Toh Chee Ching - 11,42%
Hng Capital Sdn. Bhd. - 11,76%
Central Paragon Sdn. Bhd. - 8,23%
Certificates achieved: ISO 9001:2008, OSHAS 18001
Export Markets: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia
Stocks Listed: Stocks of SARAWAK CABLE are listed on Bursa Malaysia (MYX) under ticker 5170.
Bloomberg: SARAWAK CABLE's profile on Bloomberg
Additional Information:

Sarawak Cable Berhad is the largest cable manufacturer in Malaysia and the leading player in South East Asia.

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