All News & Articles:

DateCompany/CompaniesNews/Article's Title
Jun 5, 2018MITSUBISHI MOTORS (THAILAND)Mitsubishi applies for BoI's frozen EV programme
Jun 4, 2018MARUTI SUZUKI INDIAMaruti Suzuki posts fastest sales growth in 16 months as new models drive demand
Jun 4, 2018MITSUBISHI MOTORS (THAILAND)Mitsubishi Motors Thailand Marks Five Million Units Production Milestone
Jun 1, 2018UNIVERSAL ROBINA, VITASOYURC invests P1B in Vitasoy factory
May 29, 2018TAOKAENOI FOOD & MARKETINGTaokaenoi charts course to profit rise with 'My Whey'
May 29, 2018SIAM CEMENTSCG takes over Vietnam subsidiary
May 27, 2018MAHINDRA & MAHINDRAMahindra and Boeing team up to make F/A-18 fighters in India
May 24, 2018LENOVO GROUPMoto spearheads Lenovo smartphone drive
May 23, 2018TOYOTA MOTOR THAILANDToyota rosy on battery shortage
May 23, 2018HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRYFoxconn opts to make smaller displays at Wisconsin plant
May 21, 2018GOODYEAR (THAILAND)Goodyear upbeat on prospects
May 18, 2018CHAROEN POKPHAND FOODSCPF sniffing for M&A options at Europe plants
May 12, 2018KHON KAEN SUGAR INDUSTRY, SARABURI SUGAR, MITR PHOL GROUP, KASET THAI INTERNATIONAL SUGAR, BURIRAM SUGARThailand cuts 500,000 tons of raw sugar exports amid plunging prices
May 8, 2018KANSAI PAINTJapan's Kansai Paint develops first EPA-approved anti-mosquito paint
May 7, 2018LENOVO GROUPLenovo gets dropped from Hong Kong benchmark
May 2, 2018VEDANTA RESOURCESVedanta Mulls $800 Million Zinc Smelter for South African Mine
May 2, 2018HARTALEGAHartalega invests RM14m to upgrade ERP system
May 1, 2018SHISEIDOShiseido expands Ipsa brand in travel retail
Apr 28, 2018SIME DARBYSime Darby rides on Caterpillar
Apr 28, 2018MARUTI SUZUKI INDIAMaruti Suzuki now controls half of India's auto market
Apr 27, 2018SHISEIDOJ-beauty: Japan’s sleeping giant awakens
Apr 25, 2018UNIVERSAL ROBINAPhilippines' Universal Robina appoints first outsider CEO
Apr 25, 2018KASET THAI INTERNATIONAL SUGARSugar high in store for KTIS with 26.4% surge in cane
Apr 24, 2018LENOVO GROUPLenovo says US Security Review Commission report has 'numerous inaccuracies'
Apr 19, 2018CHAROEN POKPHAND FOODSThailand's CP Foods inks deal for advanced Brazilian shrimp farm